How's 2019 Shaping Up?

If you ask sellers, you may hear that the real estate market is horrible If you ask the New York Times, you may hear that the real estate market is capable of producing BOTH horrible results AND the highest sales prices ever in the history of the United States. If you ask buyers, you will

What Makes Your Home a Home? VIDEO February 2019

This month, I take a look at a pristine property in the West Village and think about what home means to people. We continue to brand our listings in this way, just as we “brand” our buyers as we help them find their perfect home. In the midst of our deep thinking, we’re marketing a

Qualified Opportunity Zones- Upsides, Unanswered Questions, Thoughts

Today, I’ll talk about 1031 exchanges briefly, then move into the “hottest” new thing that generated from the tax changes at the end of 2017. This is the Qualified Opportunity Zone. The investments in these zones, which exist in every state in the US, must happen before the end of 2019. I’ve done a deeper

VIDEO: A Home For Mavericks

This month, I took a slightly different tack for the video. I’ve been way too darn serious! Instead, I wanted to let you behind the scenes, giving you some insight into how I go about branding an apartment and finding the new buyer. After all, home transcends trends. What I mean is that unless someone

2018 4th Quarter Real Estate Reporting in NYC

What do you need to know about the 4th quarter 2018 report (link is here)? Here is the official BHS Brokerspeak: “Manhattan’s median apartment price fell to $1,050,000 in the fourth quarter, a 5% decline from a year ago. While the average price was up over the past year, this was due to a pickup

Empty Storefronts- some thoughts about New York City

I love New York City. I really do. And I believe that there has never been a better time in the history of New York City to live here. Yes, we no longer talk to each other. You can live as a shut-in very nicely now. But putting all of the loneliness and social distance

L Train will no longer Shut Down- What That Means

So, a lot of gnashing of teeth, plenty of concerns in the real estate community have all come to a halt; the L train, which we expected to shut down for 18 months or likely longer, now will remain open, mostly, except for when it is shut down. So, overnights, weekends. I’m guessing that people

Real Anxiety vs Fake Confidence & "When is the Market Going to Rebound?"

A buyer comment yesterday: “I have some concerns that the market is going to stay soft for the next 2-3 years. I’m considering just renting and seeing what happens.” I’ve heard some flavor of this from way, way too many buyers. Another way to put this question is, “So when is the market going to

Buying and Selling in NYC vs the World

This Savills report was super interesting and worth sharing. Vancouver, Hong Kong and Singapore have the highest costs of the cities analyzed here. All three have recently added additional stamp duties on foreigners. Some details: Hong Kong first introduced an additional 15% duty for international buyers in 2012. Singapore followed with its own 15% Additional

VIDEO Where a Broker Adds Value

happy holidays to you all. I’m in a gorgeous 9-room Park Avenue property that’s coming to market in a few weeks – feel free to contact me for More details- because otherwise, it’s still top secret… This month let’s talk about real estate agents AND real estate cycles. When I became a real estate agent

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