Meet The Newest Members of the Harris Residential Team!

We’re delighted to introduce you to Reginald “Reggie” Grayson and Jonathan “Yoni” Goldstein!

Reginald Grayson

Reginald Grayson

Reggie comes to us through Brown Harris Stevens New Development Marketing and Sales, where he was most recently working on 10 Lenox Avenue, a gorgeous project that resides just one block from Central Park North.  His decades-long sales experience ranges all across Manhattan and beyond, where he’s worked in the luxury real estate market as part of Halstead, Compass, and Brown Harris Stevens.  Reggie is also from Huntsville, Alabama originally.  I’m delighted to have another Southerner on board, especially one with such a love for New York!  We’re delighted to have him join our team.

A little snippet from his Brown Harris Stevens BIO:

Reggie….“Can trace his interest in New York City back to middle school, when he used to send notes to class mates, appending a fictitious Park Avenue home address. Clearly, it wasn’t just New York in general that piqued his interest, but the very best New York had to offer! His early fascination with New York and all things urban eventually led Reggie to earn a BS degree in Urban Planning. Upon graduating, he won a coveted spot in the New York City Urban Fellows Program, a highly competitive public sector fellowship that became his ticket to New York. Over the ensuing two decades, Reggie has worked in fields as varied as banking, economic development, and fundraising and has developed a reputation as a creative, do-what-no-one-else-could-do manager.

He attributes his sound business acumen to having run his own company, providing high-end event design and planning for corporate clients. He loved the process of helping clients to define their goals, but the real challenge – and the real joy – was to manage the minutia and overcome all the obstacles involved with bringing a client’s goals to reality. At its essence, that is also what he does in real estate.

Reggie holds an MBA in Finance and an MS degree in Real Estate Development and Investment, both from New York University, and carries a Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE) designation, a title which only 1% of agents in the nation hold. He is a passionate advocate for the equality of all people and sits on the board of the LGBT Center.”

Jonathan Goldstein

The Two Newest Members of the Team!

Yoni comes to us through one of New York’s most prolific developers, L+M Development Partners.  We have sold their condominiums to clients, and appreciate the work they are doing building luxury and affordable housing throughout the city.  Yoni brings over a decade of real estate development, construction, and finance experience to his clients, playing a key role in pre-development, construction, preservation, and development of over 6,000 residential units across New York City.  He’s also a lifelong New Yorker!

A little more from his Brown Harris Stevens BIO:

Jonathan’s “intimate understanding of construction, floor plans, spatial design and building materials makes him an excellent resource for his clients in search of a dream home and wise investment.  A people-first approach has enabled Jonathan to bring diverse stakeholders with diverging interests to the closing table. Not only does this mean effective results for his clients, but has led to long-lasting relationships built on mutual trust. He understands the core components of a real estate transaction and patiently guides his clients through the home buying or selling process, bringing fun and laughter into the process, while staying laser focused on the outcome.

Jonathan is proficient in Spanish and Hebrew and holds an M.S. in Real Estate Development from New York University. He earned a B.B.A. from The George Washington University, graduating summa cum laude with a double major in Finance & International Business.”

Off We Go!

We can’t wait to see what our two newest team members are going to achieve!  Welcome, Reggie and Yoni! – Scott

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