VIDEO: Do You Have What It Takes to Renovate? (BTW, you do)

Probably 95% of what I do is empower buyers and sellers to move forward in their lives. Real estate remains the most tangible expression of who they are. And what is more tangible than doing a renovation exactly how you want to do it? And yet- this can be incredibly daunting. You need patience and

Market Perceptions, Market Realities

It’s that time of the summer when buyers are particularly tuned out from, well, most things. So, it’s not entirely surprising to get “please update me” questions about the real estate market. What seems odd is the question I’m getting quite often right now: “Do you expect the real estate market to drop 15-20% if

Dogs and Dollars

The question that was put to me last week: “Does a building’s rules to allow pets, specifically dogs, impact the value of a property?” I have sold about 25 units in a building on the West Side that has not allowed dogs in many years, so the question isn’t new to me. Some shareholders were

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Quick thoughts about the Federal Housing Administration, also known at the FHA, or HUD – Housing and Urban Development. “The FHA estimates it could insure as many as 60,000 additional condo loans each year under new rules.” What does this mean? Whenever the government is the backstop for a particular property group, it means that

VIDEO: Why Everyone Thinks They Are Brilliant

The summer is a time to recharge the batteries. In the case of the Manhattan and Brooklyn markets, it may also be a time to get really amazing deals. I’m thinking about how mortgage rates are likely to come down, inventory is slightly up in most places, and prices are slightly down from a year

Social Media, FOMO & The Real Estate Market

A big question. How has social media affected real estate purchases? Are there positive impacts? Negative ones? Both? On one hand, I hear stories about how Facebook is helping realtors do business, Instagram helping us promote what we’re up to, spreading the word, quite effectively, with very beautiful photographs. I do get to see absolutely

The Beginning of a Co-op Trend?

Sellers of cooperative apartments who are seeing their properties linger are wondering what they can do. You can take a look at our reports here and here for a bit more color about inventory and the market. I can point out a few trends which hurt the resale prospects of older, less renovated properties: Buyer

VIDEO: How We Build Trust with Our Clients (And What We Want in Return)

This month we’re looking at technology and how it impacts real estate. Actually, it’s really about relationships and trust! Read below if you don’t want to watch the video, or are looking for a bit more explanation. I have spent the last 16 years learning everything I can about the New York City high-end residential

Coop Board Rejections, Pricing Collusion?

Collusion There’s been a lot of arguing about collusion in the news. “No Collusion!” is what we hear from our President. Regardless of which side of that argument you come out on, you are probably disgusted and frustrated. At the very least, it’s a distracting mess. A little closer to home, I am seeing what

Massive Legislative Impacts on NY Real Estate

I lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts from 1996-2002. The composition of the people of Cambridge is not terribly different than Manhattan. And in 1995, Rent Control was ended in the state of Massachusetts. This is a state that still has Blue Laws because in concept, people can’t police themselves on Sunday mornings from drinking alcohol. But

Recent Blog Posts

How Should You Think About the Commission Settlement?
Predictions for the Fall 2024 Housing Market
The New Housing Market
What The House Hunt Is Really About
The Curious Thing About The Housing Market Right Now- and why we’re hosting a webinar in the middle of the summer about it (VIDEO)
Deal of The Month: The Fourth Time is the Charm
The Water Is Warm This Summer. Hop In…Our July Manhattan Market Update
What Does Home Mean To You?
June’s Breakdown of a Deal: 789 West End Avenue
Making Mortgages Work For You, and Not Against you: A Marketing Case Study 
