How Brown Harris Stevens is Responding to the Crisis

I loved this message, and what jumped out to me what the communication has been from our CEO, Bess Freedman. “I’m getting everyone through this.” We are some of the best agents in New York City, but when no one is doing business, it is clearly going to impact everyone.  It struck me as a

Brokers & Buyers Communicating, Effectively, Without Email

Working with buyers is about 50-55% of our business as a real estate team.  We love it.  Truly, helping buyers find what is next for them in their lives is the lifeblood of what I do.  It drives me.  I take great pleasure from helping buyers, seeing them and their lives unfold in the place

VIDEO- Sometimes It’s Really Just Pricing

In this month’s video, I continue to muse on what seems to be driving the market into higher sales volume.  The very short answer?  Pricing.  That’s it.  If prices look to be “in the zone,” people make bids.  If prices seem to be too high, no offers.  Tumbleweeds.  So the question is this, sellers:  Do

What Are You Waiting For?

I mean, really. What has to happen here, for you to take action and buy an apartment?  I have been talking about it for months, and in some cases, at least a year.  Maybe even longer.  I haven’t checked.  But I haven’t been this optimistic about the market for buyers at every price point, in

Coops are Backing Themselves Into a Corner

Did you ever run into your schoolteacher at the supermarket?  You stared at her, not ever having realized that she eats, cooks food, sleeps, goes home somewhere and generally does things when she wasn’t in your classroom with you. As a real estate agent (technically an Associate Broker, though you can think of me as

VIDEO: What Do You See From Your Apartment?

  This month, we keep it pretty simple.  It’s all about views.  From your apartment, and into your apartment.  What you see when you look around, does it inspire you?  Does it still feel like home?  These are the questions that I think about.  And when I ask them, the answer is in your eyes,

The Housing Market and Its Invisible Problems Tech Needs to Address

Since I am seeing so many buyers actively in the market, and I am seeing so much economic activity in New York City , I know how I want to answer the question: “So how’s the market?” We can see it at our open houses, with 19 people coming- a high number that has been

American Dream New York! And Here We Go!

When I first heard about this TV show, I wanted to be a part of it. What piqued my interest was that it would enable me to continue carving out a voice for how real estate actually gets done in New York. There is room for lots of fun TV, the most famous of which

VIDEO: Where Do You Want to Live For The Next Decade?

This month I speak about, what else? The real estate market! What is different is that this is the last newsletter that I will put out for the DECADE! And that had me thinking bigger picture than usual. Where do you want to live for the next decade? Are you where you want to be?

Washington DC vs NYC- a Tale of Two Very Different Real Estate Cities

I am in that kind of reflective mood, and I would guess that between parties and large meals, you might want to think about something different than just the normal fare that I present in my newsletter. Not that I am writing normal fare. So maybe I don’t need to qualify it at all. So

Recent Blog Posts

How Should You Think About the Commission Settlement?
Predictions for the Fall 2024 Housing Market
The New Housing Market
What The House Hunt Is Really About
The Curious Thing About The Housing Market Right Now- and why we’re hosting a webinar in the middle of the summer about it (VIDEO)
Deal of The Month: The Fourth Time is the Charm
The Water Is Warm This Summer. Hop In…Our July Manhattan Market Update
What Does Home Mean To You?
June’s Breakdown of a Deal: 789 West End Avenue
Making Mortgages Work For You, and Not Against you: A Marketing Case Study 
