A Lack of “Price Discovery” = Summer Deals

Buyers should be out looking for properties now.  The combination of low interest rates and softer real estate prices should be quite alluring!!  The best opportunity in perhaps a GENERATION.  Yet there are many buyers who are sitting on the sidelines. I don’t know that they are contentedly sitting on the sidelines, but they are.   We

Cities Versus Suburbs- The Battle Royale

I have been connecting my clients to agents all across Vermont, Westchester, the Hamptons, Upstate New York, and Connecticut.  Mostly about buying- 95% about buying. In addition to that, I am also getting updates from other clients that they are buying in all of the same areas above.  Beautiful farms, wooded homes, the gamut. Newspapers

#NoShlepping – What Buyers Have Tolerated. A Better Buying Experience. The Top Ten Shlep Factors to Eliminate.

Only when you can step away from your normal day, can you ever really take a good, long look at how you are doing things.  And in this time, it has become abundantly clear that the process, the ordeal, the buyers put themselves through- or that they tolerate- is broken.  This is part of my three-part

The 85% Theory and the Notion of the “Virtual Tour Barbell”

Virtual Tours What Are They.  How in the Hell did we get here?  Customers have gotten very used to seeing property in person, and fumbling through the ramshackle experience of buying property here without thinking much about it.  THAT TIME IS OVER.  Touring properties in person will, in my view, take a backseat, or at

Brokerage 3.0: What Came Before & What Lies Ahead

I’ve been a real estate agent since 2003.  17+ years later, especially in this moment, I can look back and put my History Major hat on.  Let’s look quickly at what am calling Brokerage 1.0, Brokerage 2.0, and now, what seems obviously to be Brokerage 3.0. Brokerage 1.0 When I started in residential real estate

An Open Letter To My Homebuyers and Sellers

Please take a look at our video which explains everything in a nutshell. Our aim, every day, whether today or tomorrow, is to provide a clear and compelling vision of your next home. We are reopening the Real Estate market in June and want to give you some clarity about our plans. We are already seeing

How We Will Live the Same. How We Will Live Differently. Re-Setting the Table in New York City.

We will all read a host of predictions for how the home of the future will look different.  The pandemic may change behavior.  But given that in New York City, you live in 100-year-old homes, and in London they live in 400-year-old homes, and in Jerusalem they live in 1000-year-old homes- I venture to guess

An Invitation: The Spring Clean Challenge

There are many things that one may choose to focus on that are less than positive.  Just open the paper and randomly point at any article.  To be sure, we chose to take the other route, which is to focus on what we could do that would best serve our clients and our community.  Realizing

VIDEO: Spring Cleaning and What You Can Do Now!

We have never had this much time to work on our business. I am so grateful for you, and all of the ideas that have been pouring forth during this time. If you are not in new york city, i want to say thank you for all of your emails, and outreach to see how

VIDEO: Real Estate During & After The Great Pause

We New Yorkers like to think that we’re the best, and that NYC is at the center of everything in the world.  Right now, we certainly are at the center of a challenging time that the United States face.  Plenty has already been said about the troubles we’re confronted with, and what could lie ahead.

Recent Blog Posts

How Should You Think About the Commission Settlement?
Predictions for the Fall 2024 Housing Market
The New Housing Market
What The House Hunt Is Really About
The Curious Thing About The Housing Market Right Now- and why we’re hosting a webinar in the middle of the summer about it (VIDEO)
Deal of The Month: The Fourth Time is the Charm
The Water Is Warm This Summer. Hop In…Our July Manhattan Market Update
What Does Home Mean To You?
June’s Breakdown of a Deal: 789 West End Avenue
Making Mortgages Work For You, and Not Against you: A Marketing Case Study 
