Five Reasons to Move To NYC RIGHT NOW

If you happen to read a newspaper or watch the news, you will read about those who are fleeing New York City.  Unfortunately, these articles, whether from the near-tabloid-level drama of the NY Post these days, or even the more genteel Financial Times- each is rife with plenty of misprints and misinformation about just how

VIDEO: Your Dream Home is Now A Good Business Decision

In this video, a little longer than normal, I lay out the market that you have today in which to buy.  A moment, perhaps a bigger time, when you can find your dream home, and won’t have to compromise- AND, the best part is that it’s also a great business decision.  This is a generational

What Will NYC Do With 20-30% more Public Space? I Can’t Wait To Find Out

I remember being in New York in the summer of 1999, a couple of years before I moved here.  My friend was put off by the smell in the summer in the city, the rancid stink.  He was complaining about the filth, the heaps of trash on the sidewalk, presumably the night before the garbagemen

Send Me Good Deals

My favorite email and comment at a cocktail party, back when we had them- is this: “Scott, if you see a good opportunity to buy an investment property Manhattan, let me know.”  Or “If you see a good deal, something I can’t pass up on, let me know.” The passing comment is so common.  I’m

Positive Is Negative, and Negative is Positive – And Why New York City is Definitely Not Dead

We live in a time when to be positive, in this case, COVID positive, is negative- something to be feared, something to be careful about. We also live in a time when being negative, in this case negative about the future of New York City, seems to have quite a large bandwagon. Recently the NY Post

VIDEO: July 2020 The Market Is Reopened and You Can View Apartments from Your Beach Chair!


Why Stage My Apartment? The Top 5 Reasons

You’re ready to move forward, and are about to bring your apartment to market.  Exciting, crazy times, certainly now.  Lots of questions about how to prepare.  I have had to go through it myself, and am always trying to view the world through a seller’s eyes.  I recently read an article about staging your apartment.  The

New Development Fairy Dust

A common misperception on the part of sellers is that resale apartments and new development are received in the same way by the marketplace and should be priced the same as new development.  For better or worse, this is almost never the case. I suppose that it’s almost always for the worse, from the perspective

The 10 Things Between Homebuyers and Their Dream Homes, Today.

As I’ve said in this video and this blog post, I see the current environment as a generational opportunity to buy in NYC.  And yet, there are many buyers very much on the fence right now about buying, even if they have realized, entirely, that it is time for them to move into something new.

VIDEO: We’ve Always Been The Captains of the Ship

 When it comes to getting my clients to their next home, we are the captains of the ship.  What’s amazing is that in this case, nothing has changed, not one bit, despite the massive shifts in the world and the real estate market.  Buying and selling have always been stressful, and I have to

Recent Blog Posts

How Should You Think About the Commission Settlement?
Predictions for the Fall 2024 Housing Market
The New Housing Market
What The House Hunt Is Really About
The Curious Thing About The Housing Market Right Now- and why we’re hosting a webinar in the middle of the summer about it (VIDEO)
Deal of The Month: The Fourth Time is the Charm
The Water Is Warm This Summer. Hop In…Our July Manhattan Market Update
What Does Home Mean To You?
June’s Breakdown of a Deal: 789 West End Avenue
Making Mortgages Work For You, and Not Against you: A Marketing Case Study 
