The COVID Real Estate Narrative – And What Is Missing From It

The Narrative: “The New York Times is working on a story about New Yorkers who left the the city for the suburbs (or perhaps for another city) when Covid hit. Now, with businesses reopening and bosses insisting on seeing their employees IN PERSON rather than on Zoom,  at least a few days a week, some

Less Than One Month Later, So Much Has Returned To Normal! (5 Little Things Revisited)

Just last month… I wrote about five little things that, if improved, would help our real estate market get back to full health more quickly (you can read it all here).  They were: Bringing Back Normal Open Houses Getting Managing Agents back to Full Speed Eliminating COVID forms Brokers Making Themselves Readily Available for Appointments

$30 Million In 30 Days (VIDEO)

Here, I share what a difference a year makes. Our team is poised to close over $100 Million in business in the first half of 2021, and in the last thirty days, we did more business than we did in ALL OF 2020. While we never freaked out, we certainly cannot believe how DESPERATION in

The Top 5 Little Things to Get Us Back to a Fully Operational Real Estate Market

What are the Top 5 Little Things that will Get Us Back to a Fully Operational Re Market? Well, here they are! Open Houses, and Not Just By Appointment! What’s amazing to me is that despite the headache of scheduling every single showing that’s taken place, there have been more properties in contract in the

We Have Fully Bounced Back to Pre-COVID Levels. Yahoo!

We’re all in a jubilant mood these days. Masks are coming off.  Restaurants are Fully Opened.  Theatre is Returning.  Concerts are on the Calendar!  And the Real Estate Market has come roaring back.  Here’s a little tune to celebrate:   The market hit the bottom around November 2020.  You can see where I called it

Home Is Where The Heart Is (VIDEO). And Hearts Are On The Move!

New York is coming back!!  While many buyers are really excited- and that is showing in the numbers- everyone needs to feel safe to move into their next home. They Say, “Home is where the heart is.”  We’re seeing a lot of people ready to put their hearts into new homes. Some folks are still

Who Won’t Let The Dogs In?

Who Let The Dogs In? It occurred to me very quickly, marketing a listing in a building that doesn’t allow dogs, that something had shifted in the market.  At a time when nearly everyone I know was buying pandemic puppies, these cooperatives that did not allow dogs were not connected to what people need today.

Why We Don’t Rely (Only) On Quarterly Reports- And Neither Should You

Every quarter… There is a lot of talk about the quarterly reports, such as our glossy 1st quarter report.  These numbers are what make the most noise in the press.  Average sale prices, Median sale prices, aggregate sales volume.  It is fun and interesting, but relying too much on these numbers results in a terrible

VIDEO: What’s Harder To Get? A Vaccine Appointment, or A Showing Appointment?

I answer this question: What’s easier to get right now- A vaccine appointment, or an appointment to get into a property? In many cases, it is, believe it or not, the former.  So get your shots! But really- how quickly things have changed in the marketplace.  The real estate market has moved away from buyers. 

What Happens When The Rent (and Sale) Prices are Too Damn Low? Unintended Consequences

The Rent is no longer “Too Damn High.”  This phrase, made famous during the Jimmy McMillan’s humorous mayoral candidacy a few years ago, still has me giggling today.  But not for long.  What if the bar is still too high for some renters or buyers, despite a vastly different landscape from Jimmy McMillan’s epic rant?

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The End of Rental Broker Commissions As You Know It. The Beginning of Even-Higher Rents.
The Sometimes Secret to Dealmaking? Waiting. (Our Deal of the Month @ 52 Riverside Drive)
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