What Are You Waiting For? Math of the Month- Mortgage Rates vs Sales Prices

“If the mortgage rates go up, won’t prices go down?” This is the comment that I’m hearing more and more.  In theory, it makes complete sense.  But in practice, it’s more complicated than that.  I’ve been looking for a simple way to communicate what feels like a difficult concept to grasp- that is, what is the

(VIDEO) Visionary Brokerage Is For Times Like These

We’re hearing it all over, so I’ll ask you, too: Are you worried that there some scary things are creeping around the corner? I’ll spell it out: Rising mortgage rates, Recession, Russia, a pandemic that won’t go away…   We’ve had a really great run of about 18 months of enthusiasm, when it was easy

The New Waldorf-Astoria Towers – and The Resurgence of Midtown

The Resurgence Not of COVID-19, but of Midtown It seems like a million years ago, but it was last September.  I had been thinking about Midtown and some of the different ways in which it had been more dramatically impacted by COVID-19- and why it would be a boon to the recovery.  Nine months later,

When You Can’t Let Go of Your Apartment- Or Your Stuff.

We’re All Crazy. It happens with nearly every introduction.  The person that wants me to meet their prospective buyer or seller says, “Scott, I want to warn you, my (friend, colleague, sister, acquaintence) is crazy.”  Let’s face it- Crazy is par for the course in New York.  You have to be a little delusional or

(VIDEO) Trading Masks for Armor? The Battle For New York Real Estate is On.

After two years of donning masks, and facing the emotional trials and tribulations of COVID-19, its attendant school closures, retail decimation, and office life tumult, New Yorkers face another challenge- The residential Housing Market.   They have traded N95 masks for the armor necessary to endure bidding wars, disappointments, and more. But do buyers really want

Miami Comes To New York- In The Form of Regulation

Florida seems to be in the news every day. Maybe you had been tracking the latest of Florida Man (an amazing, but retired, twitter account), or are currently tracking the battle between Ron De Santis and Disney World.  More likely, you have been hearing that all of New York has been moving to Miami, Palm

My First New York City Real Estate Deal

My First Real Estate Deal   The grid of Manhattan atomizes in this corner of Chinatown.  Its alleys and lanes squeeze up against the Bowery and the Manhattan Bridge approach like the crush of bodies against the stage at a sold out rock concert.  I had only a vague idea where I was going- but

The Flight To Quality, and 4 Other Good Reasons Why the RE Market Stays Strong in 2022 in NYC

The Real Estate Market Will Remain Strong in 2022 With any crazy real estate market, there are those who are already telling me, “Well, I heard there’s going to be a recession in two years!” Others have asked me some pretty reasonable questions: “How will rising interest rates impact the market?” “Is Ukraine going to

(VIDEO) Saying Grace at the Real Estate Table

It’s the busiest market I’ve seen in twenty years.  And yet, what will be true after things eventually calm down?  Pareto’s Law will apply- 20% of the agents will continue to do about 80% of the transactions.  What this means is that agents must continue to maintain relationships in the brokerage community.  This means being

Gray is Out & Brown Is Coming Back In (And I Don’t Mean Hair Color) – Top 5 Design & Homebuyer Trends from the Luxury Portfolio International Conference 2022

I was at the Luxury Portfolio International Conference in Las Vegas a few weeks ago (a great Insta follow by the way).  Beside the amazing meal I had at Delilah (and the killer speakeasy vibe!), I learned a little about some design trends that, once I heard, I can’t un-hear.  Perhaps you’d like to hear

Recent Blog Posts

How Should You Think About the Commission Settlement?
Predictions for the Fall 2024 Housing Market
The New Housing Market
What The House Hunt Is Really About
The Curious Thing About The Housing Market Right Now- and why we’re hosting a webinar in the middle of the summer about it (VIDEO)
Deal of The Month: The Fourth Time is the Charm
The Water Is Warm This Summer. Hop In…Our July Manhattan Market Update
What Does Home Mean To You?
June’s Breakdown of a Deal: 789 West End Avenue
Making Mortgages Work For You, and Not Against you: A Marketing Case Study 
